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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Round Things

I came across this lovely dalia on our morning walk. 


Kate, a blog reader, suggested that I put my poppy pods on the shelf to compliment the other circles in the space.  I like it!  I also found a combination of things for the shelf that I like....for now.

I hadn't really noticed all the circles..but there are the obvious round plates...then the more subtle ones in the moons and rocks in the fabric pieces.....and of course...the  actual rocks. 

I found this little vase for $1 at the Goodwill store a while ago...and I thought the (round) pattern on it paired well with these little rocks I crocheted around.  I've been teased about these rocks...some people just don't get it.  I barely know how to these were quite an accomplishment...I'm quite fond of them.

The other three rocks are almost perfectly round and have stories that go with them....but one in particular has a pretty special story that you can read here.

This little pine needle basket was made by Connie....another round thing.  I just adore it.  

And speaking of round things.....I have a new puzzle going.  It's a round puzzle of water colored squares and triangles....clever concept. At first I wondered if it was even going to be doable...but I'm plugging along.  I'm working from the outside in....and since there is no up or down I can just spin it.  I'm finding it delightfully challenging....and it's going to take me a good long awhile.

When I look at the pieces in the box it seems a little hopeless.

For this spot I searched for that little brown nib with just a sliver of black....and there is was.


  1. Oh, I just love challenging puzzles…..not impossible ones but challenging. It’s such a reward to find the piece you’re looking for. My husband doesn’t “get” puzzles so I have them all to myself, lol. I very much enjoyed clicking back through your rock stories.

    1. Good morning Cherie! So nice to hear from another puzzle husband doesn't get it either. And I agree...just means we get to do it our way. Thank you so much for checking out the blog....I so enjoy hearing from people! Enjoy the rest of the summer!

  2. Watching Henri from the west safe.

    1. Thanks Maryl...we're just fine. We're getting some good soaking rain and somewhat gusty winds but the worst of it was further south. I think we're going to do just fine....but I brought my precious white rain lily in....just in case. :)

  3. Serendipity strikes...another blogger I follow is vacationing in Maine from Virginia and posted about bird houses on a fence near Moscow, Maine, with a link to an article about it. If you don't already know about it, seems like you should. :) The original blog is at

    1. Serendipity indeed! I follow Vicki's blog too....but I get it by email and day later I guess. I've mentioned her many times on the blog over the years. I've bought a lot of hand dyed fabric from her....she's amazing! The birdhouses are so much fun. Thanks for reaching out!
