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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Saw An Opening

Hurricane Henri was downgraded to a tropical storm so won't be too much of an issue for us here in Maine...but it was a good day to be tucked inside.

We're getting some needed rain with some wind gusts so we do have a few limbs down in the yard. I did bring in my white rain lily just in case.....there are too many beautiful blooms right now for it to get pummeled.
I know the summer is winding down when the royal standard hosta is blooming. I've made it clear that I'm not a big hosta bloom fan.....except these.  They're big and beautiful....and smell fantastic!  

The large leaves got pretty beat up in the hail storm we had about a month a matter of fact all my hostas got beat up....even the little ones.

But it made me chuckle to see one of the blooms came right through a hole.  It saw an opening...and took it.

And you can't have a rainy day without a little puzzle time.  I hadn't been looking at the box at all on this one...just looking for little bits of color that matched.  But I noticed there was a skinny row of mostly solid blue developing...and sure enough when I checked the box cover the blue ring went most of the way around. So I did a quick search for those pieces and had them all in within minutes.

This is the most pieces I've gotten at one sitting.  Another valuable life lesson from my puzzle. A strategy that worked yesterday might not be the best strategy for today....and probably another new one tomorrow.

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