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Wednesday, September 22, 2021


I had intended to follow up on yesterday's post....but today is the first official day of fall....and that needs to be celebrated.

"September, you are promising. The beginning of a gorgeous and necessary decay. The edge of triumph before the deep rest." Victoria Erickson

And there's nothing that says autumn to me more than another little pumpkin with a very cool stem.  

Yup...I'm going to say it's all about the stem.

I may start a little collection here....isn't is awesome against the blue sky!

This is the first time I've been to The Flower Shop at Winslow Farm....and it's just a few miles down the road.  I'm in love...and will go back again and again. I just started following them on Instagram:

I came home with two small larger one....and a bag of veggies and only spent $20.  

I had quite a discussion with the owner about my love of a good stem.  She had never really thought about it....but totally got it. This was the best I could do for the larger least it's not stubby.

Happy Autumn!

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