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Thursday, September 23, 2021

I Can Do This!

This has been condo board meeting week....and since I'm the secretary I had prep....and several follow-up tasks to tend to.  I did take time today for a walk and a swim...and I had a nice visit with Margie.  And the fact that I'm swimming on the 2nd day of fall makes me happy.  The pool closes soon....and I'm hoping to get a few more swims in.

Do you recognize this?  I think it looks like little embroidery project....especially the little green french knots and the pink satin stitches in the middle 

It's actually a zinnia bud as seen on our morning walk.  It's a little Mother Nature Magic!

I wanted to follow up a bit on my shared art post.  Revisiting those projects not only reminded me how much I have loved them all....but it also reminded me how much I love to talk about them.  I love to inspire creativity in others. 

So I've been asking myself....could I do this for others a little more intentionally?  Could I work with individuals or small groups to facilitate shared art experiences? Would people pay a little something for this?  

After hearing about some of my trades Anita started an monthly exchange with her daughter nine years ago...and it's still going strong!!! I wrote about it here after they were at it for just four years:

And after the motto books Anne and I did....she went on to do exchanges with her sisters. 

Even my chiropractor in Lexington, Dr. Adams, started an art journal with her all makes me giddy.

Another page from the chunky quote book exchange.

I have been trading emails with Sue from Scotland....and I've so enjoyed our conversation.  She recently brought up the idea of shared art to her art group....and they're excited!  I have offered to participate in a Zoom session with the group where I will share my and tell my art trades....and brainstorm with them about what's possible. It would be a test run for me....I could practice on them to see how it goes....and they could give me feedback.  Hmmmmm

At this point it's just an idea....but like I told's a serious one.  I can do this!  


  1. There are probably endless ways to do exchanges, MaryAnn. I love this!

  2. Replies
    1. It's right up your alley Rosy! I'm here to help if needed!
