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Friday, September 24, 2021


A six word story for today: Always make time for important things.

There weren't enough hours to do everything I wanted to do today....

...but walking the yard with Colin and Janice was certainly the highlight!

There's always an explosion of color at Janice's house....and I always go home with something in my hands....and I always feel blessed.

I came home with some swiss chard....and Paul added it to our sillett vegetables tonight....and I will admit it was a first.  We are experimenting more and more...but this was a first for this beauty.

It sure is a beautiful vegetable!

The zinnias...oh how I love the zinnias!

And look what else I came home with!

And then there's the chickens.

Isn't that tiny brown one adorable!  Did I say highlight?


  1. After hydrangeas, I think I love zinnias the best!🌼😊
