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Sunday, September 26, 2021


....about what's inside.

A Sunday six word story:   I hope I always stay curious .

Just yesterday Patty gave me a little gift. It might seem like an odd gift....but she knew it was just perfect for me. 

The gift even came with a label: "Scarlet Runner Beans." I'd never heard of them.
Patty said what made these bean special....was inside. 

I shucked a few yesterday....and the rest today.  Could these beans be more beautiful? 

Yes...I have glue on my fingers....but look at that bean!

Here's my whole haul....I'll be curious how they'll dry. 

I take a lot of my photos outside because the light is better....and I like the beautiful backdrop of the woods.  

While I was out I noticed the beans fit right in with my garden...especially the purple coral bell and my bean shaped "mom rock" rock I found in Lexington.  It was just luck that my sandals matched too.....and I even picked the right shape plate. 

You can read my "mom rock" story here:

Thanks Patty!

I walk by these dogwood trees in our condo complex sometimes twice a day on my walks.

They are in full fruit and I find the red bumpy balls quite fascinating.  There were a bunch smashed on the sidewalk and I noticed they were bright yellow-orange inside.

So I took one home...cut it open...and looked inside.

I'm often encouraging people to take time to really look closely at something that catches your eye....but sometimes you also need to take time to look at what's inside!

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