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Monday, September 27, 2021

Sorting and Housekeeping

Six words for today: Sorting and housekeeping are always worthwhile.

I'm not sure I'm going to do these six word stories every day....but it's what I'm doing for now.  I'm enjoying summing up the post this way.

I have to take a minute and update you on my puzzle.

The circle is filling in and the end is in sight.....even more reason to take it slow.  It's been a challenge...but I've loved it.

It made such a difference to sort the pieces by shape.

And just recently I started putting a sticky arrow on the image insert where I was working because sometimes it's helpful to see the context.  It's always good to reassess your strategies!

Paper cutting creates a big mess....and sometimes you just have to take the time for housekeeping.  Now I'm all ready for the next cuts. The paper I'm using is from a journal/sketchbook I've had for years. The paper is just the right weight and a little off white...but the journal wasn't very useful.  The book didn't lay open very well so the pages were not very accessible. I love that it now has a use.

Here are my recent collage attempts with papercut overlays.

I'm not as wild about this's too rigid and not really the right scale for the piece. It's a learning curve. 

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