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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I Yam...

 ...what I yam.  (I couldn't help myself.)

Six words for today:  Maybe the best found object ever!

I walk 2 or 3 miles with Paul in the morning...and he continues on for a couple more.  Today he came home with this found was just laying alongside of the road. 

And who can help it a sweet potato or a yam?  Is there a difference?  Does it even matter? 

I actually just looked it up....and this is most definitely a sweet potato. But then my opening line doesn't work....but I'm going with it anyway.  😊

No matter which way you turn's still a yam sweet potato.

There are dozens of things I could write about today.....but I'm just going to keep it to the sweet potato....and this photo.

Every morning I check on the rain lilies.  And at this particular moment in time I have blooms at 6 stages.  More if you count the 3 I just deadheaded.  

Between this and the could I be more blessed.


  1. Whatever it is - yam or sweet potato - we love ‘‘em baked, sliced, diced, roasted, pan sautéed. Any which way. And I love knowing they’re members of the morning glory family. Just perfect.

    1. ha ha....yes! They're good any which way!!! We love them too!
