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Friday, September 10, 2021

Marvelous Old Tree

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."  John Muir

I'm on our Condo Association Board....and although it's more work than I would choose right's helping me be a better homeowner. I will never take the work this volunteer group does for granted once my term is up....and I will always remember to say thank you as often as I can.

This morning we walked the property with our tree maintenance company assessing our trees.  We have lots of them on the property....and taking care of them is never ending and costly....but very important. They're one of our most valuable assets.  This walk around gave me an opportunity appreciate our trees....and some little extras....all related to the trees.

This hornets nest high up in this pine was a marvelous sight to behold.  

Hornets construct their homes from saliva and wood pulp where there is plenty of shade and protection from the elements. This one was way up high and about as big as a basketball.  

Hornets are social creatures...and choose communal living in these nests....seems fitting then that they moved into a condo complex.  

We have lots of old trees we are trying to take care of....but some of them have had to come down.

We remove the stumps when it's needed...but to save money we leave the ones that aren't in the way.  What often develops is an amazing little fungal garden. These marvelous little specimens are helping decompose the stump....and are so interesting to look at.   

This stump garden looked intentional....and almost sculptural. There were all kinds of interesting fungi all around it...and even a well placed weed right in the middle. The owners added a few rocks to add even more interest.  Why not celebrate it!

We have lots of crabapple trees on the property and some of them are pretty old.  This one is going to get a good pruning this winter for health, safety and appearance.  I'm kind of chuckling.....I've been doing a little self care lately....things that benefit my health, safety, and appearance. And just like that....I feel connected to this marvelous old tree and I'm excited to see how things turn out...for both of us.

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