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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Oh My.....

 ....I'm completely smitten.

Before the rain settled in I spent some time at the pond popping Jewelweed seed pods.  I was like a kid in a candy store!

When the pods are fully formed...they explode with simple touch spewing out the seeds.  And the nearly ripe ones pop with a gentle squeeze.  

What's left of the pod is this amazing little exploded spiral.  I do remember my sister Nancy showing me this one time....but it didn't really register.  Now I have them right outside the door....and I'll be showing everyone who seems even slightly interested.

You can watch a couple of videos on my Instagram post....swipe through the photos to the end to watch them.  They're not the best....but they capture the fun.  The last one is slow motion.

The sun wasn't shining this morning....but the dew/raindrops were beading up on the leaves and catching the light....just like what I read. I'm so glad I took just a few minutes to read about Maine wildflowers life is more rich because of simple things like this.

Like I said....I am smitten!


  1. I love them, too. One year, because I’d read that they had healing properties, I made a salve from these beauties.

    1. That sounds interesting! There is so much to learn and do!!!
