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Wednesday, September 8, 2021


I enjoy the big Farmer's Market in Portland....but on Wednesdays I often go to the smaller one in Falmouth.. It has just enough options for us.....and it's so easy to get in and out.

There's nothing like the colors of fresh produce all piled up.

I've been doodling in the evenings....and these wonky lopsided wildflowers from our meadow walk were the inspiration last night.  After a little research I found out they are probably White Heath Aster.  The meadow was covered with them.

And while I was on the Maine wildflower site....I found out these little beauties are called Touch-Me-Nots also known as Spotted Jewelweed.  I think they look like little orchids. 

There's quite a bit of it down by our pond and they're a nice little pop of color.  Orange is such a welcome color this time of year.

I also learned that there are tiny hairs on the leaves that catch the dew and can sparkle in the sun.  I know I have seen that when we walk around the pond in the morning....but from now on I'm going to pay more attention.  I also read that when the little seed pods are ripe they explode when you know what I'm going to be doing after our rainy day tomorrow. 

I'm quite delighted by the wildflowers....and there's always something to learn.


  1. So enjoying following along with all your meanderings and musings, thank you MaryAnn. Kate

    1. You made my day Kate! Sometimes I wonder if anyone is really interested in my "meanderings and musings." So THANK YOU!

  2. I LOVE jewelweed! I must say that I've never seen this spotted variety before. Our kids in elementary school called the seed pods "poppers", and would spend oodles of team squeezing them and spraying seeds all around. :)

    1. That is so awesome! I do remember my sister Nancy showing me one time....but I don't remember living around it so it wasn't on my radar screen. I spent quite some time this morning popping the pods! I'm not in LOVE with it too!
