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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Morning Meadow Walk

Paul and I took a detour from neighborhood walking and took a morning meadow walk....right in the the middle of the city. We've been on this section of Portland Trails before....but it was nice seeing it in another season. You can see what it looked like in early June in this post:

You might be wondering what this little watercolor has to do with a meadow'll see the inspiration at the end of this post.

This route has gravel stretches, boardwalks, and woodsy trails.  

And there's plenty of spots with open views of the meadows.

There weren't a lot of flowers....but there was some color.

And....there's that interesting suspended tire again. 

The trail takes you up around Casco Bay High School where this little patch of strawflower buds  caught my eye...they were just beginning to open. Not much to look at yet from a distance....but up close the buds were magical.

Now does the watercolor make sense?

We're planning to go back to the meadow sometime this fall....and I'll check out the strawflowers again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, MaryAnn - beautiful watercolors. I’m thinking that the tire is actually a tire swing. They’re pretty common and I know the kids in our neighborhood used them a lot. Just a thought….
    Take care.
