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Saturday, September 4, 2021


"Ah, September!  You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul....but I must confess that I love you only because you are a prelude to my beloved October."  Peggy Toney Harton

October is my favorite month.....but September days like today are right up there.  Sunny and cool...breezy and beautiful....a perfect prelude to fall. 

It's September 4th...and I was a little late putting up the new calendar page on my bulletin board in the studio.  This year my calendar is from Susan Black....I love her work.

Under Susan's calendar is a page from Philippa's (aka 5ftinf) calendar from last year.  

This arrangement on her table actually has a few things from me.  Do you see the little felted acorns?

I've written about these before....but I'm celebrating them again today....just because. 

When I visited Philippa at her home in Brighton, England back in 2019 I took her these acorns as a gift. She loves all things nature....and rainbow color! They're unusual little acorns that my friend Janice brought back from Florida. I have several....and have shared some of with friends....the caps were perfect for felting.

Here they are on Philippa's table....where she does all her beautiful arrangements.

Here is a recent arrangement on Philippa's table from her Instagram page.

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