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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Sunflower Saga

This sunflower caught my eye last evening.  I've walked this route over and over and never noticed it until last night.....the setting sun seemed to make it glow. 

The thing I loved most about it is that there was just one.....lots of weeds....and one lovely little sunflower just waiting to be noticed. 

This reminded me that I've never shared my sad sunflower saga.

You might remember that I was so excited back in June when I planted seeds from my sister Nancy. A pot of sunflowers in the late summer would be a welcome addition to the back patio.

But in July they were attacked....probably by squirrels. There were just broken off....not eaten.  I was mad....but I was mostly just sad.  

There were a few left so I cut my losses and remained hopeful. 

But a few days later.....I lost the rest.  

Recently my sister LaVonn shared this photo.....her pot of sunflowers from the same seeds from Nancy.  So I do get to enjoy them after all....and they are a bright late summer pop of color on her patio.

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