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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Water Doodle Exchange

I was blown away by Emily's water doodles.  As I already mentioned my goddaughter Emily sent me a video of a doodling technique about a month can view it here. We decided to trade doodles....and I just got her package.

Emily took the shapes to a another level! I just love the scale and the wonky, squiggly nature of them.  They are quite inspired!  I'm going to put them in little frames and hang them in the studio. 

I almost hate to put mine in the same post....but here I go.

This was the first one I did....I used a textured gel print at the base. You can see that my shapes are not as fun as Emily's. I put it in a simple little 4 x 6 snap frame for her.

And this was my second one....again on a gel print.  

I put this one in a square frame.  Emily has just moved into a new thought there might be a little spot for these.  But now I'm actually hoping she swaps out my images for some of hers in the frames.

Water doodling became an evening activity while I watched TV for a while during was very zen.  And as I wrote about a few days ago they became the theme for my last round of 4 x 6 cards.  So just for fun I made Emily a little accordion book of some of my experiments....and although I didn't take a photo the other side has some rejects. After all...they were part of the process.

Art exchanges are fun for me....and it's always interesting to see what people come up with.  I'm guessing Emily and I will do another exchange in the future.

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