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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Celebrating Maples

We had a big rainstorm overnight into the morning....and the beautiful maple tree I've been watching one street over is nearly bare.  I just wrote about it on Monday and it was still just gorgeous.

We are still in full blown beautiful fall...but this is a sign that we're rounding the corner.

Speaking of maples....we have a tiny little sapling in the woods we've been watching from the patio. It's going to struggle for light...but I hope it survives so we can watch over the years.  Most of the woods is yellow this time of year......but this little guy is a nice little pop of red. 

Do you see it there in the lower middle.  Kind of sweet don't you think?

So I celebrated the maples today with a papercut experiment.  

After auditioning a few things for the background I ended up collaging squares of gelli prints....and I'll turn it into a card.

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