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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Joy Nuggets

I was a little under the weather me a good excuse to lay low. But I did have a couple of joy nuggets that made me smile....because even when I'm not feeling my best....there's always joy.

This little trike parked at the entrance to one of the Portland Trails captured my heart on our morning walk. I hope this little guy or gal enjoyed the hike....this trail takes you to the falls.

Ann sent me this photo of one of several hearts she spotted while walking around the Lexington Battle Green.  

There were several of them scattered along the path and they were "sparkling in the sun on this glorious autumn morning." They were just what she needed.  She left them for others to enjoy but she was sure Paul and/or I would have picked them up. But rest assured....Paul and I know where to draw the line when things need to be left alone. But these...even just one....would have been tempting. 😉

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