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Monday, October 18, 2021

Next Stage

Some might say these hydrangeas are past their prime....but I'm suggesting they are just entering their next stage of beauty.  

Paul and I were delivering our condo newsletter this morning and I had to pause to admire this flat leaf hydrangea in a neighbor's yard....the color variations were magical. 

There is such beauty in nature even as it starts to decay....wabi-sabi wonderful!

These buds were just getting going....but look at those colors in the petals! 


  1. Hydrangeas! My favorite flower of all - and for these very reasons. The photos captured so much of their loveliness. We had no blooms on our four bushes this year - until September. Now we have maybe 10 and they’re gorgeous. Don’t know what’s up but I’m happily going with it.
    I sure hope you’re feeling better than you were yesterday, MaryAnn.

    1. Yes....hydrangeas are awesome! Enjoy your fall blooms!
