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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Found Day

Because of stormy weather I delayed my flight to Denver until I had a found day at home. It reminded me of a school snow day when I was in growing up...and better yet when I was a teacher. I loved snow days.....and I enjoyed my found day today. It doesn't matter what you's all a bonus.

I'll be heading west tomorrow when the rain has stopped and wind has died down.  

I took a short walk in between the raindrops....and found some beautiful fall color.

I love watching my stewartia turn in the fall.

I finished this fabulous puzzle a few days was just the right mix of color and challenge.  It was a delight from start to finish.

This little moment moment at the bottom was one of my favorites!

And speaking of puzzles....Margie had Philippa's spool puzzle all finished on her coffee table when we visited a few days ago. And if you looked close enough to see the missing piece...we found it under her chair.  I am delighted that she enjoys puzzles as much as I do. 

I put away the color puzzle and now the feather puzzle will be waiting on my table when I get back. I'm looking forward to this one.

I love the little gold accents....and I love a found day.

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