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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Loopy Papercut

"Choosing to cultivate joy is so much more than a feel-good moment on bad days. It is a grace-filled opportunity to take delight in the things that bring wellness to the soul." Morgan Harper Nichols

Roseanne got my papercut collage today....I enjoyed putting this one together. The piece is 5 x 7 and I added the matte digitally. It started with a stack of gelli prints where I used just one color and string for each print. The green string print in the corner inspired the loopy papercut.  

The other prints in the collage were made with netting and mesh produce mesh bags.  I'm enjoying using found objects for prints to create interesting and organic patterns and textures. The darker vertical line down the center was made using the scrap edges from other gelli prints.  I wrote about them here in this post:

This was the start of the loopy papercut....I cut the tiny sections first.

Here's more of the green string print...and a few others.

Note to self....too much string is....too much.

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