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Monday, October 25, 2021

Papercut Exchange

I recently did a papercut exchange with Rosanne who I met through the blog. We're discovering a lot of common ground and I'm enjoying our email conversations.  I got her papercut a few days ago...and she should get mine early this week and I'll share it once she gets it.

I'm quite fond of the organic shapes of her cuts...and that she floated it on a tracing paper background with the writing peeking through. And the sweet little watercolor flower was an unexpected bonus.  Thank you RVS!

I'll have to say....I really enjoy cutting paper.

I find it quite relaxing....and with my tiny little cutting mat it's a good activity to do on my lap in the evening while I watch TV.

I actually didn't realize I had so many until I spread them all out I just need time to do something with them. That will come.

Paul and I visited Margie this afternoon....and her fall window was so pretty with the view....and the colorful arrangement. And there was my maple leaf papercut card. The little rice lights gives her nice ambiance in the late afternoon and evening.


  1. I loved being able to share in this. And look at all those papercuts. Boy-howdy!

    1. I was on a roll! Love having you on board for some exchanges!
