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Monday, November 8, 2021

Catalpa Tree

This November day gave us a frosty morning....but a warm enough afternoon to continue my window washing.  I'm almost done!  

And there's that hint of October color....and a bit of November frost.

"November at its best...with a sort of delightful menace in the air." Anne Greene
I'm still processing and celebrating Colorado's Mother Nature.

I've never seen or heard of a catalpa tree....sometimes called a cigar tree. But we came across a couple on one of the paths around Liz and Alyson's complex. The long bean like pods caught my eye.....the tree was just loaded. And in case you were wondering...yes I brought one home.
The leaves are large and heart shaped....and apparently it has spectacular blooms in the spring.  Again....I'll have Liz and Alyson watching out for these.

Mother nature continues to surprise and delight me.

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