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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Joy, Beauty, and Hope

This quote from Morgan Harper Nichols resonated with me today.

There are so many big things coming....Margie's 90th birthday, both Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Paul's birthday. Last year the holidays got a little swallowed up by packing and retirement so I'm going to savor them this year.

Then there are the quiet winter months in the studio....I'm so excited.  

I can't believe I'm saying this....but I'm heading out of town again tomorrow for a few days.  Paul is doing a wedding in Pennsylvania on Friday for some good friends...and we are making it a little driving tour. We'll meander our way there over a couple days and hook up with other friends on our way home.

So today was finishing up more fall chores, packing...and a little puzzle time.  There is joy in the waiting.

I'm loving this one.

And...there was beauty in the ordinary. The setting sun and the reflection of the bare trees in the pond late this afternoon were so beautiful.

I brought my rain lilies in weeks ago when the nights started to get cold.  I stop watering them, let the foliage die back, and tuck them away for the winter inside right in the pots.  

The white one is right inside the sliders for now....and low and behold I discovered a bud this afternoon.  Hope in unexpected places.

It will likely open while we're gone....but what a treat to see the bud  this morning.  Who knows....maybe it will open in the morning.  

Joy, beauty, and hope....three words to remember while I wait.

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