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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Colorful Squares and Circles

"She forgot about time and remembered to fill her days with everything she loved best." Brian Andreas

By the time many of you read this it will be Thanksgiving....and I wish you a delightful and joyful day....however you celebrate. Margie will join us for turkey and the fixings....interesting conversation....and a competitive game of dominoes.

I'm in love with the puzzle on my table....colorful marbles are one of my favorite things. 

And I'm auditioning the size of my little mug rug slow stitching project.  I want it big enough for a small another row or two should do it.  

All these colorful squares and circles makes me smile.

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way...things I had no words for."  Georgia O'Keeffe

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