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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Leaf Prints

Just as I sat down to work on my post this evening I got a text from David....a friend from Wisconsin.  While he was at work he happened to look down and saw these four leaf prints in the pavement.  Were they intentionally placed....or did they just land there during paving?  It doesn't matter....either way they're awesome.

And I don't know what I love more....the fact that he saw them and appreciated them....or the fact that he took the time to share them with me!

Thanks David...I smiled all evening. 

And I just happened to work with a leaf print today.  I mounted one of my papercuts onto a gelli print background and turned it into a card.  

Some days joy looks like leaves.


  1. The leaf cut turned out beautifully. 💚 I’ve got to get back to it.

  2. Thanks Roseanne! There are so many things we need to circle back to.....and they will wait patiently. Happy Thanksgiving!
