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Saturday, November 27, 2021

First Dusting

We had our first dusting of snow last night....a clear reminder of the change in seasons.  While Paul and I were on our morning walk I was on the lookout for interesting places where the snow had landed. 

This gourd caught my eye because it seemed to perfectly illustrate the transition from fall to winter. I needed to take a closer look.

It was beautiful up close...the gourd was such a deep textured orange and still very much in its prime. And the dusting of snow was just lovely.

But what I didn't notice from a distance was right nearby. It's there in the first photo....but I didn't see it at the time. A kindred soul is also fond of heart rocks. Another reminder that when something catches your eye you should take a closer look because something else may surprise you.

A little further up the street was this frosty kale....and when I looked closely I was fascinated with all the layers and depth.

The cark crevices fascinated me.

I had a little fun with some photo editing. 
Sometimes we see what we want to see.

I do love the first dusting of snow.

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