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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Positive Influence

"I have thought a sufficient measure of civilization is the influence of good women." Ralph Waldo Emerson.  

Margie got some pretty special 90th birthday cards....but the one that struck me the most was from Mary Ann, one of her 2nd grade students back in 1951. 

Mary Ann wrote a nice letter thanking Margie for inspiring her to become a teacher and continues to be grateful for Margie's influence....even after 70 years.  Knowing Margie like I do....I'm not surprised.  She's been a teacher her whole life in one way or another.

My guess is that Mary Ann has had her own chance to be a positive influence on others....and just taking the time to write that letter is inspiring me.

Margaret Gunderson's second grade class at Elsie Elementary School, 
Elsie Nebraska....she was 19 years old at the time.

Margie's teaching $183.33 a month.

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