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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Brave Little Bloom

I had a pretty good day today....but there was nothing that brought me more joy than a text from Marilyn, a good friend of my sister Angie who passed away almost a year ago.  

Several years ago Angie shared a piece of her anemone with Marilyn's sister Shirley....and just this past spring Shirley shared a piece with Marilyn. That's what plant people do. 

Marilyn wrote on to say that "It didn't bloom all summer but very late this fall this brave little bloom appeared! It has survived a few nights of below freezing and is still beautiful amidst the fall leaves....reminding me of Angie."  

Angie was a brave, beautiful soul....and I can't think of a better way for her to be remembered.  

Thank you Marilyn for sharing your story giving me a wonderful Christmas moment of a different sort.

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