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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Back Home...

....where it belongs.

Paul and I have several routes we walk in the morning....and today we hit the jackpot!  Do you see what we saw?

Yes...there's a GIANT abominable snowman and a very tiny santa.....but there are also a couple of blow up beach ball ornaments. 

One red one here....and a blue on on the front steps. This has to be the home of our most recent found object.  
The house is about a 1/4 of a mile from where we found the ornament...and it had to turn a couple of corners to end up on our access road.....I guess that was quite a wind storm. 

So this afternoon I took another walk and knocked on the door.  

I met Rachel....and I told her my story and showed her a photo of her extra large ornament hanging on my tree. We had a good laugh about it all.

She offered to let me keep it...but I thought it needed to be back home where it belonged.  She said there were originally there are three more out there somewhere waiting to be found. I wonder if they will also make it back home.