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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Three Shupe Women....

...and their puzzles.

I'm especially loving my puzzles during this time of Advent.....and this new one is just a delight. I started with the houses....

....then moved to the Christmas trees....

...then on to the people.  The rest will be a challenge...but I welcome it!

Don't you love the little band!

This fabulous one was finished on Margie's board today...and she's already started on the next one.

And Liz texted me this photo with the caption..."The puzzle table is officially inaugurated!" It's the "Readers Paradise" puzzle I gave her for Christmas last year. When I visited in November I picked it out as the first one to do on her table in her new library. And....she is a collector of readers. Pretty perfect don't you think?
The Shupe women love their puzzles.

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