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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Celebrating Gifts

As I get older I'm learning that shared experiences and caring about each other are the best gifts we can give and receive. But it's hard to deny how fun it is to get actual gifts. So today...on the eve of Christmas Eve....I'm celebrating creative gifts from some special people.

What better way to begin than with an actual little gift box from Patty. This sweet porcelain box is a nice addition to my Christmas caroler moment...and will be a fun place to hide or store special little trinkets.

And how cool are these colorful spatulas from Janice. They're tiny....and I love tiny.

This hand painted card came from Lynn.....her art is scattered all over my house and I'm honored to have another little piece.
I'm a big coaster fanatic fan.  These adorable wool mitten coasters were made by my neighbor Jody and the Peace coasters were a gift from Margie.

Speaking of coasters....I've written about this before...but this gift is worth revisiting. Sam got a kick out himself a few years ago finding this handmade puzzle coaster....blending two loves. It has a permanent spot of the coffee table.
And then there's chocolate....this truffle collection is a visual work of art. 

It came from Becky and Andi and includes Aromatic Cornish Apple, Armenian Apricot, Menton Lemon, and Egyptian Sesame.  It actually came with a guided tasting manual with detailed descriptions of each piece. I'm waiting for our family Christmas gathering to start sampling
And aren't these beautiful....a gift from the BTS Center where Paul is on the board.

And as if the timing was card from Roseanne arrived today for our exchange....and I love everything about it. I love the torn paper look....and what's not to love about a little Christmas Joy.
And the green is metallic....I love a little bling!  

I'm grateful for these gifts....but mostly I'm grateful for the friendships.

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