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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

More Slow Stitching

I've still been enjoying a little slow stitching in the evenings now and then.....continuing with the English paper piecing squares.

This time I'm using batiks.....I love the vibrant colors and textured patterns. When I get a good variety of colors I'll start stitching them together. 

But I also did a little experiment with some metallic fabrics and made a little Christmas tree ornament.  What I like most about it is that it is all done by hand....while slow stitching.

After I stitched the squares together  I added a felt backing.....a little stuffing and a few beads.

I made it for my friend Anne....we were supposed to get together with her and her husband Dana this evening....but ended meeting virtually instead....but I did show it to her on screen.  

Anne had given me this little bauble she made in an online class with Izzy Moore....and I wanted to make something for her tree.  

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