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Thursday, December 30, 2021

City Lights

There aren't too many things I love more during the holidays than all the lighting that comes with it. I took all the ornaments off the tree today....and we'll leave it up for a while longer with just the lights.  The 12 days of Christmas last until January maybe that will be the day we'll take it down.

Paul and I recently took our annual Portland city light tour....always a joy. The lights around Portland are colorful, festive and fun.  I've written about them before but they're worth revisiting....and this is just some of them.  

A little glimpse of my tour guide.

I have a confession.  After I moved the last big puzzle of the cozy Christmas scene to the dining room only lasted one day before I picked it up and gave it away.  I knew it wasn't right for me....and giving it away felt liberating.

I didn't even hesitate starting this festive city lights puzzle I picked up in Concord with Anita. Yes it's a scene....but it was only 500 pieces and it had clear layers and the blocks of color that I'm drawn to.  
I started it the day after Christmas.....

....and finished it the next day and I loved every minute of it. I'm already sorting the pieces for the next one. 
One of my favorite things about this puzzle was that the city lights were metallic. 

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