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Friday, December 31, 2021


 "New year new me! I mean not really...but it is a good excuse to feel hopeful!" 

This quote is from Adam J. Kurtz who has become one of my favorites voices on Instagram. His witty words of wisdom cut to the chase with just the right amount of honesty and humor....and a touch of irreverence.

The start of a new year is a good time to feel hopeful.....especially this year when there are so many things to worry about.  There may not be a whole new me in 2022....but I hope there's a more healthy, more hopeful and a more intentional me.  Happy Joyful New Year!  

I posted this photo on New Year's Eve back in 2015.  I've added a few more to my Christmas garland collection since then.....and now they're all packed away for another year.

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