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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Rich's Popcorn Bowl

Growing up on the farm we generally had a big meal after church on Sunday....then just popcorn for supper. I don't know if it's because of that or not....but I've always loved popcorn. I can still picture my dad popping it on the stove the old fashioned way....and my mom popping it in the morning to put in our lunch bags. 

Tomorrow would be my younger brother Rich's 58th birthday.  He died back in 2012 and he is dearly missed.  I can't believe he's been gone 10 years.

So this evening I celebrated Rich using a popcorn bowl he made Paul for Christmas back in 1989 when my family used to exchange names for Christmas.

Rich was a master with his lathe. He made this bowl out of spalted maple....probably from a tree from the farm. Paul had it displayed in his office for years....but now it's a staple in the kitchen for small salads.....and of course popcorn.  

Happy Birthday Rich!

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