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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Follow-Ups and Connections

Paul and I were thrilled to finally to get our COVID booster shots yesterday....even though this day after has been a little rough. We kept it pretty low key taking naps as needed.  As luck would have it I have a couple of follow-ups from yesterday's post....joyful things that just landed in my day.

This morning I was able to help Margie put out her Christmas things....including her Nativity from Angie.  It found a prime spot on the top of the bookcase....and she and I once again celebrated Angie's talents.  

One of my favorite things in Margie's home is her "peace wall" abover her bookcase honoring Gandi and Martin Luther King.....showing everyone who enters the foundation of what she believes in.  You can read about it here:  It actually started in her home in Colorado and I wrote about that here: 

I used to hang this berry wreath on the door of the built in china cabinet in Lexington....and I loved it there. This year it got a little facelift and is now on Margie's door.....a nice change to what I've done for her in the past. I really enjoy creating these seasonal welcome wreaths.

I love it when something gets a new a new place....for someone very special.

And I came home to an email from another Margaret...someone I met in an art class several years ago.  

Margaret did the same cross stitch I wrote about yesterday for some very dear friends.  When they passed away it was gifted back to her....and now it hangs in her home.  

I love this connection story...and now I love the cross stitch even more.  Thank you so much for reaching out Margaret and sharing your beautiful piece.

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