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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Two Sweet Boys

Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."  The Grinch

I have so many memories raising two little boys....especially at Christmas time. So these two sweet angels sitting on my puzzle table make me smile.

This guy makes me smile too.  Paul uses his e-bike almost every day and does most of our errands on it.  He bundled up today to get groceries.....and he's been known to make two trips if he can't fit it all on his bike in one.

We're happy to be down to one car and a bike since retirement...and it seems to be working just fine.  

I decided to start in the top corner of this puzzle with the red, pink, and orange ornaments.  I'm going to do the border as I go....and I'm loving it so far.
This is such a pleasant place to sit in the evening...I enJOY all the Christmas lights and my sweet little angels.


  1. I've loved all your posts about decorating for Christmas, MaryAnn. We're getting there a bit at a time. Seems to take a bit more time each year. Your boys are the cutest! Will Paul need different tires for the e-bike come the winter weather.... worried about the ice and snow. Yay for him, though!

    1. Thanks Roseanne! I'm still not quite done with the decorating....I'm taking my sweet time. Paul won't be doing any riding in the snow so won't need better tires. He's going to try to keep riding in the cold with the right gear as long as he can.....but only on dry roads. But yes...Yay for him! I say that to myself every day.
