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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Going for a Laugh

Today is the Sunday of JOY in the liturgical season of Advent....and there's nothing more joyful than a good laugh.

There's an exit going out of our condo complex that is open for bikers and walkers but closed to cars.  It's a bit overgrown....and I/we walk that way more days than not....there's always something interesting to see.

This morning we saw this....likely blew in during last night's storm. Not your typical found object.

There are no houses right we had no idea where it belonged.  As Paul and I walked we tried to find similar beach ball ornaments so we could return it.....but no luck. 

So you won't be surprised that it came home with us....and while Paul was out this morning I added one more ornament to the tree.....I was going for a laugh. I did get a chuckle out of him....but I laughed every time I saw it's going to stay for a while.

And the silly thing is a few days ago Paul asked me to move a few breakable ornaments on that side of the tree because he kept bumping them when he went out the sliders.  But this one is not in the way....too much. ðŸ˜‰  He'll humor me....for a while.

I am going to put a photo on Parsons Pond Facebook page and maybe even on the local neighborhood site because I would like to get this back to where it belongs. But for's just going to make me laugh.

We had a visitor late this afternoon....and we watched him eating one of our pumpkins for quite some time.  If you zoom in you can see it in his mouth. 

This young buck also was going for a laugh...and if you check out the video on my Instagram page and you'll see why:

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