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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Joyful Santa

"We're all just walking each other home." Ram Dass

I turned one of my papercut collages into a birthday card for Marita. I took her lunch today to celebrate.....and it was so good to catch up.  
I do love all the layers of the collage....and I'm looking forward to getting back to art after the holidays. I'm in my own little season of Advent...the season of waiting.

The Christmas tour around the condo continues....I'm enjoying sharing my little Christment moments. This little vignette is in the living room....and it was the perfect spot for my little star lights.

Paul gave me this joyful Santa years and years ago....and it always has a place or honor. It's one of my favorite Christmas decorations!

I have a good view of it from my puzzle table....I could sit here for hours enjoying the lights, the woods, and whatever puzzle is on the table.

Speaking of puzzles....I finished the Vintage Ornaments yesterday....thanks for loaning it to me Margie!

Here's what's on deck....I've already started sorting. It's going to be another fun one.  JOY!

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