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Wednesday, December 1, 2021


I've been decorating for Christmas....first time in a long time with all my things in one place. Because of the timing of the move last year we put our tree up at the condo with just lights...but that's all.  I'm enjoying the process this year...taking my time finding new places for things.  

I'll be sharing some of my favorite decorations.....but first I have to take care of a little puzzle business.  You know how I love my puzzles!

I finished the marbles several days ago....and it was just as fun as it looks.  It prompted me to change the batteries in the lights in the marble bowl with some of my special art marbles....  

....tis the season for lighting.

There is one marble at the very top that has a liquid center and the little bits of color float around inside.  And the one just below it has a suspended silver star inside. I love my marbles just as much as my puzzles.

I didn't want to start a new puzzle in the middle of all mess of the Christmas boxes but I missed having one going. Then I remembered I had one that Margie started that she wasn't enjoying.  I brought it home on a board partly done and it's been sitting in the guest room patiently waiting.  It's only 300 I picked up a thrift shop for a few dollars.  

It's way tougher than it looks....the pieces are all just two shapes and can easily be in the wrong spot.  Just one misplaced piece throws everything off. I had to rearrange several times.
The last piece didn't work in the spot that was left....but after a little searching I found the other one that was misplaced. It's obvious now...but for whatever reason it seemed right at the time. Isn't that true a lot in life?

All is well....and I have the perfect one to start tomorrow. 


  1. You Rock! What a delightful message on the perfect timing that I feel like the pieces in my life are finally in the right place! I will remember to send this article to people to near to hear this.

    1. What a delightful comment....thank you so much for catching that little tidbit of advice. Sometimes our pieces and parts have to be readjusted....but we know when they're finally right.
