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Thursday, December 2, 2021

Tree Day

It's December 2nd....and that means it's Tree Day at the Shupe house. If you're interested in the background story about Tree Day you can read this post: 

I will admit that the tree has been up for a few days....but I've just been fluffing and  enjoying the lights.  The ornaments all got hung today in honor of Tree Day.

So many memories...and I listened to the stories in my head all day long. 

This felt gumball machine was made by my grandmother....I think it's the oldest one we have. Bessie was very creative....making us amazing Barbie Doll gowns using layers and layers of old sheer curtains and bits of lace and beads.  She was such an inspiration. 

This one has to be the funniest ornament....a tin foil creation by my oldest son Nate when he was just a tot.  Can you see that it's a mailbox? I can't believe it has held up for more than 30 always has a place of honor on the tree.

And since it's tree day I'm also celebrating one of my favorite tiny trees.  My dear friend Becky gave me this fiber optic tree that plugs into the USB port on my computer.  I absolutely adore it.....especially on Tree Day!

I mentioned I had the best puzzle waiting in the wings....vintage rainbow Christmas ornaments. I gave it to Margie for her birthday...and she already finished it so I get to borrow it. I didn't get it started today...but I can't wait. Isn't it awesome!



  1. Loved the tree day story. Traditions are so important in life. Thanks for sharing.
