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Sunday, January 30, 2022


I've been doing all kinds of experimenting with the lessons from the Water Soluble Magic course by Jayne Emerson.  There's just too much to share....some of it successful...some of it not. But that's part of the learning process. One of those experiments led me to these tiny little wool projects today....and I was just giddy.

Isn't this hand dyed wool awesome! But adding a little messy stitched edge using the water soluble fabric....was magical.

My mind is officially blown with the possibilities of the technique....and it all brought a little sunshine into my day!

I have as much photographing them as I do making them.
There are a couple videos on my Instagram page when I dissolved the soluble fabric. Scroll through the photos on the post to find the videos....every time is seems like magic.

I took lots of photos after the snow storm this morning....but I just chose just one to share here.  Our birdbath is over a foot tall....and it's nearly covered. And the shadows from the morning sun on the trees created magical stripes in the snow. 

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