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Monday, January 31, 2022

Less Glamorous Stuff

I'm choosing to find joy in the fact that all our tax stuff is sorted and organized. We have a "yet to do" list...and then we can put 2021 behind us.  Some days you just have to celebrate the less glamorous stuff.

And on these not so glamorous days a few minutes at the puzzle table is even more important.  This new one is slow going....I have too many things drawing my attention. But I love that it's always there when I need it.

I made little piles of color during my breakfast.  
Then I assembled the little blocks of color after dinner....and I'll make new piles tomorrow morning. I love these little routines.

And there's one more photo from the storm I want to share.  

I was quite taken with the snow that blew threw the screen on the patio doors creating these little snow spots. They looked kind whimsical and kind of cartoony.

Then I played around with filters and edits....just because I could. 
I think these snow dots are so much fun!

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