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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Wool Scraps

I'm having a blast with my Water Soluble Magic experiments.  I can't even describe how much I'm enjoying this process!

Today I responded to a scrap challenge sponsored by our instructor.  There's a different prompt every day in February....and today it was scraps. There's no way I'll keep up...but I'll give it a try. Many of them relate directly to lessons in the class.
It started with a little pile of scraps I couldn't bear to throw away.....

....then stitched between two layers of water soluble fabric.

Then the magic happens in the water.....and I will never grow tired of watching it melt away. This product is 100% biodegradable so is OK going down the drain.  But before I dissolve it I alway cut off as much excess as I can.

I used light gray thread in the bobbin, and a dark blue gray on the top...and I don't know which side I like better. The light gray side is at the top of the post and this is the darker side.  

And it looked pretty good with the puzzle.

A few days ago I gridded up these wool circles....which is where I got some of the scraps. It was just marginally successful. I think both these wool projects could be taken further with a little felting and embellishing. 
Because I didn't secure them with any basting spray they moved a bit while stitching so scrunched together....I would have liked it better with more spaces between the circles.  Practice practice practice....repeat.


  1. I like the results of your exercises! They look like they were fun to assemble.
