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Friday, February 4, 2022

Back At It

There aren't too many things that bring me more joy than planting creative seeds. I learned today that Lynne and Anna are trading soluble projects....and that makes me happy.

I got back at it myself today and this time I worked on the Water Soluble Magic lessons on grids...and I used some of the decorative stitches on my machine.

I covered some squiggly yarn going one way...and straight lines going the other way and I used variegated thread on top....and purple in the bobbin. I spent some time late last night winding all colors of bobbins so I would have lots of choices on hand.
I added another darker purple row in between the yarn so the pattern would be more dense. The most important thing is that the stitching connects with a warp and a weft so everything stays together. Grids are perfect for that.

You never know what you're going to get until you dissolve the fabric....and it's always fun to watch. 

I'm not sure the white yarn was the best choice....but it does make the colors of the thread pop.

I love how knotty and twisty the stitches are....they just float and do what they need to do without the structure of the fabric.

And I couldn't help but do another one. 

This time I did a sampler of all different decorative stitches....and again I used variegated thread. I wanted to see which stitches make more interesting shapes and texture once the soluble was rinsed out.  
These pieces are really hard to photograph...and they look so much better in person. They appear to be so fragile...and yet they are amazingly strong. I love this one!
The row in the very middle is a very dense decorative stitch I think it stands out a little too much....there's not enough balance. But overall I was pretty pleased with the result.  Always something to learn!

Paul asked the question many of you are probably thinking.....what am I going to use these for?  At this point....I have no idea. But I'm having a blast....and the rest will present itself.  Joy is like that.

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