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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tending To The House

"My housekeeping style is best described as "there appears to have been a struggle." author unknown

I like a clean house....but I'm not a great housekeeper....there are so many more things I would rather do. But sometimes you have to tend to you house....and today was one of those days.

But I have a confession....this was the first day with a new monthly house cleaner....and it was awesome!  Christi will help motivate me to keep up with this "tending" and help me do the things that I hardly ever get to. I did more today to tend to my house than I've done in months....and I'm grateful!

Tending to the house includes my window of my favorite places to decorate with the seasons and my moods. The snow people are all put away....and it's back to colorful glass and some sweet little hearts. It's a spot I see multiple times a day so it might as well be filled with things that make me smile.  

The tiny pottery sun from Becky, the mosaic heart piece from Nancy, the three tiny mushrooms from Alyson, and Kermit the frog are a few of my favorites.  I have lots of favorites.
The floor was still wet when I took this photo so my colorful sink rug isn't down....but my kitchen hasn't been this clean in a long time. Thank you Christi for helping me tend to our house!

1 comment:

  1. I’m so with you on this one, MaryAnn! The day our house cleaner comes is like a holy day.
