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Thursday, March 17, 2022


"Gratitude is the foundation. Good can come from everything if you choose to find it, see it, and embrace it. Plant seeds of gratitude. Find something little to be thankful for. Then another, then another. Before you know, your garden of joy will bloom." Nikki Banas

The moss seems just a bit greener in the spring....or maybe it's greener today because it's St Patrick's Day.

Saw this online...and it made me chuckle: "Have a wonderful time celebrating green today but please remember that without yellow and blue none of this would be possible." 

The time on this photo below says 9:29 p.m......way too late for me to be at the sewing machine last night. But I had the idea of adding more stitching to soften my "oops" on my project and I couldn't go to bed until I tried it.  

Even though it was late...I could tell it was better. The upside down leaves almost look intentional now....or at least that's what I'm telling myself. 
The cactus bloom fully open....and I love the way the petals are almost hugging the leaf.  Grateful.

Tracie was inspired to cut a large piece  of art into strips...and rearrange the strips for cards. 

I get so excited when seeds of inspiration are planted.  And...I love sharing them here knowing full well that they may plant another inspiration seed somewhere else.  

I am grateful for this colorful "garden of joy!"  Thanks Tracie!

Tracie's cards go well with the lucky rainbow at Margie's place!

What a day!


  1. I like the addition of more leaves- but if you think about it- leaves actually hang upside down- look at the picture of your gorgeous cactus. Most leaves don't stand straight up- but some how that's how we visualize them. Just my random thoughts at 6 am :)

    1. ha're right. I actually think they go every which way. Maybe I'll add another row or two upside down. Thanks for sharing your "random thoughts!"
