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Friday, March 18, 2022

In My Dreams

"Don't give up on your dreams!  If cauliflower can be pizza, and zucchini can be noodles, then you too can be anything you want."

This made me laugh out loud.  Unfortunately I can't remember where I found it so can't give credit to the author.

Speaking of dreams.....I got out of bed in the middle of the night to dab some white Posca paint on the leaves on what's turning out to be a late night project. I don't know if I dreamed about it....or was just lying awake thinking about all my projects...but I do like the effect of the white paint.

Kathy pointed out on yesterday's post that leaves often point I added a few more upside down rows of stitching and I like the combo. Thanks for the nudge Kathy!

The snow is nearly gone...and we've had some teaser spring weather. And almost every day I inspect the garden for signs of I finally saw some.  
Another sign of spring is the ice melting on the pond. Some of the ducks are back and they can swim AND skate.

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