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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Daily Practice

"I will never apologize for embracing joy and beauty...even when the world is falling apart...because joy and beauty are my fuel for activism." Karen Walrond

After a nudge from Dana...I listened to Brené Brown's podcast with Karen Walrond entitled "Accessing Joy and Finding Connection in the Midst of Struggle." It validated my desire mission to look for a little joy...every single day...even when there are so many things are heavy on my heart.

The bloom color is deepening....
as are my prayers.

No matter how small....celebrate something...and make it a daily practice.....even when it seems impossible.  Especially then. 

Today I'm celebrating my old piano books. I took lessons for most of my childhood and I got good enough to play for my own enjoyment. I even played little bit in church....and accompanied the high school choir at least once. 

There are a few I'm saving....I'm not sure for what...but I'll keep them intact.  But others, including this one...I'm going to cut up. 

I'm always on the lookout for interesting and strong papers to collage with and serve as backgrounds for collage. The inside of the back cover was perfect for a little project.

If I end up selling (or giving away) my little torn paper collage kits...I want to include a sample of an actual collage...not just the photos in the direction booklet.  

So when I came across the tag punch I inherited from Connie...I thought tags might be a good option for an collaged insert.  THESE tags....were punched from my piano book.

And because there's a chance she might read this post....Happy Birthday Brenda! 

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