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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Just A Hint

It's the first day of spring!  JOY!

"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature...the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter." Rachel Carson.

After a day of rain yesterday almost all of our snow and ice is it's starting to really look and feel like spring. And the thick fog on our morning walk created a moody, spring atmosphere.

I was excited to discover a hint of spring in my garden...the first sighting of snowdrops from my sister Marilyn. I had moved them from Lexington and they didn't do so well last we'll see this year. I planted them in a couple spots...but this tiny clump is all I see so far.  But I'll take whatever I get.
I tore teeny tiny purple scraps for an iris collage just needed to be a hint of purple. I also tried something a little different with the design making it a bit more collage-like.

Just a hint of spring....for a friend.

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